a website in which you have been falling. you scold yourself now, free-falling endlessly down this trap-doored hole. you curse your foolishness for seeking the footer on a modern website, when you're certainly old enough (or perhaps young enough!) to have learned that websites no longer care to provide organized and useful information to their users, nor do they care for their users at all. there has been a steady darkening at the heart of every site for nigh decades now — once-useful features twisting and contorting to better plane off attention, layer by skin-thin layer, until users find themselves raw and exhausted and sleep-deprived.

everyone knows that the picturesque and pastoral Internet, where users and websites shared and built and learned and discovered, that classic kinship of the web is a dead dream, echoing in distant dial-up handshakes. so why is it, then, that you have stumbled into yet another of the veritable minefield of traps laid for you in the dark forest of the 'Net? some lingering hope for the ghost of Going Online? you scold yourself once more at your childishness, and pray to break yourself free from this infinite scroll.